Davis County holds inaugural YL Net On Tuesday April 11th, Davis County Amateur Radio Club (DCARC) held their first YL Net. Fourteen emails were sent […]
Author: Lisa Cook
Utah Youth on the Air – Liam Shaw
Name: Liam Shaw Call: KK7JKO License: Technician Club: Davis County Amateur Radio Club DCARC Why did you decide to get licensed? I got Licensed […]
ARRL Teachers Institute Deadline Approaching
The deadline for the summer institute for teachers is approaching May 1st. The deadline for the fall institute is August 31st. This is an amazing […]
What role do members and clubs play with new hams?
I recently returned from the Rocky Mountain Division Convention. In the weeks I have returned, I have thought about the things that I learned and some of the things that have happened as a result of the actions of a fellow ham, or club.