Congratulations to the Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club for their initiative in providing opportunities to youth and helping to increase awareness of amateur radio.


The Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club received a grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communication for the purpose of engaging and educating youth in amateur radio through hands-on space science activities.

As stated in their grant proposal, “[t]he goal of this project is to introduce youth to amateur radio and engage them through fun hands-on activities themed around space science and technology.  There is no doubt that there is new and renewed excitement and focus on Space in America.  The latest landing of rovers on Mars, and the emergence of private space companies like SpaceX launching astronauts and satellites into space is ushering in this new era of space exploration and technology.


The excitement of space science and technology extends to amateur radio which has long been involved in building, launching and communicating with satellites.  Most of the astronauts going into space from America are licensed, amateur radio operators.  This is a perfect time to get youth involved through fun hands-on activities using amateur radio that are focused on amateur radio satellites, the ISS, and how to communicate with others using amateur radio technologies.”


The grant proposal outlined an eighteen-month timeline to accomplish the project along with specific educational activities.

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