Volunteers on the Air (VOTA) is an ARRL-sponsored year-long nation-wide event in 2023. Every state is participating and Utah was on the air in January and will be again for the last time in July. All hams are invited to participate and we request that all Utah clubs encourage their members to get involved. You may operate under your own callsign and earn points or you can operate as W1AW Portable 7 (W1AW/7) or both. Complete information about VOTA may be found on the ARRL website.
Signups are now open and for the July week will be powered by a website. All bands (except WARC) and modes are welcome.
Utah’s 7-day week begins at 6pm Utah time Tuesday, July 11th (000Z July 12th) and we are now accepting reservations for W1AW/7 band/mode slots around the clock during that week.
To sign up to operate as W1AW/7 and reserve a band/mode shift, go to this page. If you have questions about VOTA rules, guidelines, and how you can earn points, read [this] page. If you have questions about Utah’s participation in VOTA, contact coordinator Ted Cowan, NA7C by email at na7c@arrl.net, by phone or text at 385 204-6655 or look for the VOTA page
As it was in January, it is first come, first serve. To operate as W1AW/7 the rules state that two W1AW/7 stations cannot be on the same band and mode at the same time. All hams in Utah are welcome to participate and reserve a band/mode slot.