Greetings to all… hopefully your summer was enjoyable.
Before I get to the upcoming Eclipse, I wanted to mention that another
one of our clubs, BARC, is on the ARRL landing page for the website.
“Amateur Radio Serves in Large Utah Bike Race”. Be sure to check it out.
SOLAR ECLIPSE ON OCTOBER 14TH – I will let the article speak for
Contesters, HF Operators and SWLs Wanted October 14th for Solar Eclipse
QSO Party
HamSCI Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science
Utah will be directly in the path of a solar eclipse on October 14th.
Ron Wilcox KF7ZN, on behalf of, reminds us that there will be
a Solar Eclipse QSO Party and other ham related research during this
The eclipse is a unique opportunity to contribute to science as a ham
radio operator. We at HamSCI are sponsoring this as part of the NASA
Citizen Science project. The information learned from the 2017 eclipse
contributed much to our knowledge. Now with two eclipses (October 14,
2023 and April 8, 2024) we have the potential to gain much more
knowledge. Think of the eclipse as a vast controlled ionospheric
experiment. We will not have this chance again until 2044. Utah will be
right at the center of all of this. Here are the events being sponsored
(details at ):
Ham Radio Competitions: The Solar Eclipse QSO Party and Gladstone
Signal Spotting Challenge
Participate in a controlled experiment on the 160, 75 or 40 meter bands:
Time Delay of Arrival Event
Build and install a Grape Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS)
Your log and spot data will contribute directly to science.
Sources for more information can be found at,
We have also written articles in CQ, QST, OTA and Spectrum Monitor about
If you or your club have questions about these HamSCI events feel free
to contact Ron Wilcox, KF7ZN at His information is
current on
Ron is giving a presentation tomorrow evening at 7:30pm. If you are
interested, email him to get a Zoom link.
Congratulations to the Taylorsville Club as they are the latest ones to
become ARRL affiliated. Next on their agenda is to become a ‘Special
Service Club’.
Don’t forget to put the 2024 Division Convention, HAMCONZION, on your
calendar. .
It is good to see the great things happening in our Section.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions to Amateur Radio.
Section Manager