Section News:
Announcing the 2023 7th Area QSO Party (7QP)
Most states hold an annual on-air event and Utah is no exception. Some states, like Utah, get together with nearby states and have a group […]
Volunteers on the Air is coming to Utah
Volunteers on the Air (VOTA) is an ARRL-sponsored year-long nation-wide event in 2023. Every state will be participating and Utah is on the air in […]
Fall 2022 Newsletter
Are we promoting an orthodox approach that undermines our desire to attract potential converts and retain our current membership? A little introspection may be in order asking ourselves if we are getting the results we seek with our current approach.
Girls in Space
Mentors from the Brigerland Amateur Radio Club hosted a Girls in Space 10-week workshop with the goal to introduce amateur radio and STEM to girls ages 11-17.
Engaging Youth with Amateur Radio – Communications Exercise
Here is a fun thing you can do to introduce some aspects of amateur radio to youth through hands-on radio experience.
Advocating for HAM radio: Be an Elmer!
As one of the Assistant Section Mangers, who serves as your Government Liaison, most of what I write is about advocating for Amateur Radio to […]
What role do members and clubs play with new hams?
I recently returned from the Rocky Mountain Division Convention. In the weeks I have returned, I have thought about the things that I learned and some of the things that have happened as a result of the actions of a fellow ham, or club.
Advocating for Amateur Radio
At the September 8th in-person meeting of the Utah Amateur Radio Club, Jeri Brummet gave an outstanding presentation on how the amateur radio community can […]