As one of the Assistant Section Mangers, who serves as your Government Liaison, most of what I write is about advocating for Amateur Radio to […]
Section News:
What role do members and clubs play with new hams?
I recently returned from the Rocky Mountain Division Convention. In the weeks I have returned, I have thought about the things that I learned and some of the things that have happened as a result of the actions of a fellow ham, or club.
Advocating for Amateur Radio
At the September 8th in-person meeting of the Utah Amateur Radio Club, Jeri Brummet gave an outstanding presentation on how the amateur radio community can […]
Take this opportunity to rebuild and reorganize your club.
After not being able to meet in person for almost three years, we are finally getting back to in-person meetings. But, have we lost members? […]
Amateur Digital Communications
A note from Rosy Hello, ARDC community! My oh my, what a productive year it’s been so far. Behind the scenes, we’re in the final […]
QST Now Offering a Column for Radio Clubs
QST Now Offering a Column for Radio Clubs ARRL invites you to be part of “Club Station,” the newest column in QST. This column is a space […]
“South Valley Radio Guys,”
Three photos from the “South Valley Radio Guys,” Jon Titus (KZ1G) and Len Bayles (KA7FTP), who operated during Field Day Saturday (6-25) from the Wendover […]
Gordan R. Smith Award First Recipient
On behalf of the Utah Section of the American Radio Relay League, I am pleased to present you the in
Congratulations to the Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club
Congratulations to the Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club for their initiative in providing opportunities to youth and helping to increase awareness of amateur radio. The […]