June 13, 2023 Congressmen Bill Johnson (OH-06) and Joe Courtney (CT-02) reintroduced a bill in the US House of Representatives on June 12 — H.R.4006 […]
The ARRL is Amateur Radio’s proactive advocate and representative voice in achieving regulatory and legislative success to ensure the future of the Amateur Radio Service and its role in community service.
Advocating for HAM radio: Be an Elmer!
As one of the Assistant Section Mangers, who serves as your Government Liaison, most of what I write is about advocating for Amateur Radio to […]
Advocating for Amateur Radio
At the September 8th in-person meeting of the Utah Amateur Radio Club, Jeri Brummet gave an outstanding presentation on how the amateur radio community can […]
Legislative and Governmental Relations:
Amateur Radio operators tend to avoid politics like the plague … in fact, many of us who teach technician classes will suggest, in our classes, that polite operators do not discuss religion, politics, and other “controversial” topics… but perhaps this is not entirely good operating practice.