As one of the Assistant Section Mangers, who serves as your Government Liaison, most of what I write is about advocating for Amateur Radio to governmental officials and community organizations. Since the ballots for Utah’s 2022 election are in your mailbox, you are probably expecting another rant about voting and civic engagement. OK please remember to vote!
However, Elmering is another way you can be an advocate for HAM Radio. Consider this fact: roughly 50% of newly licensed HAMS leave the hobby within the first year… That is to say, they never use their license … What if 50% of Driver’s Ed students who studied for and obtained a driver’s license never drove?
Amateur Radio is in desperate need of hands-on Elmers … really! Most of us are willing to help someone new who reaches out to ask us for help, but I ask each of you when was the last time you reached out to a new HAM?
Recently, I did … I am happy to report that new HAM, Scott Rosenbush K7HSR, is well on his way in Amateur Radio. A little one-on-one time playing radio with Scott and using my new Air Boss Antenna Launcher … I watched a new HAM become hooked for life within Amateur Radio.
The real winner in helping K7HSR to get on the air (both VHF/UHF and HF) was not Scott. It was, in fact, WJ3RI … Yup me. I have strengthened a grown casual friendship into a deeper friendship; in addition, I reviewed, shared, and perhaps even sharpened my basic operating skills. Moreover, all of HAM radio benefits when we engage and empower another person within our Amateur Radio avocation.
So, find a new HAM or reactivate an inactive HAM … It will help Amateur Radio in Utah to grow stronger, and it will increase our civic and political impact … maybe as much as voting … Yup, remember to vote!
Jeri -WJ3RI
Assistant Section Manager / State Government Liaison