Author: Rick Hanzlik
Advocating for HAM radio: Be an Elmer!
As one of the Assistant Section Mangers, who serves as your Government Liaison, most of what I write is about advocating for Amateur Radio to […]
Take this opportunity to rebuild and reorganize your club.
After not being able to meet in person for almost three years, we are finally getting back to in-person meetings. But, have we lost members? […]
QST Now Offering a Column for Radio Clubs
QST Now Offering a Column for Radio Clubs ARRL invites you to be part of “Club Station,” the newest column in QST. This column is a space […]
“South Valley Radio Guys,”
Three photos from the “South Valley Radio Guys,” Jon Titus (KZ1G) and Len Bayles (KA7FTP), who operated during Field Day Saturday (6-25) from the Wendover […]
Gordan R. Smith Award First Recipient
On behalf of the Utah Section of the American Radio Relay League, I am pleased to present you the in
Congratulations to the Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club
Congratulations to the Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club for their initiative in providing opportunities to youth and helping to increase awareness of amateur radio. The […]
Newsletter 07/26/2022
Hello Section! Excuse the summertime lag for the newsletter… With Field Day behind us we can look back on great experiences to tell our friends. […]
FCC Legacy CORES System Has Been Retired
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) retired the Legacy version of its COmmission REgistration System (CORES) on July 15, 2022. CORES is the FCC’s public-facing database that enables and tracks certain types of FCC and FCC applicant actions, including amateur radio applications and licenses. Its implementation has enabled routine amateur applications and licenses to be issued overnight instead of over weeks, as was the case with earlier methods. The updated version of CORES is now available.